
Kisan Credit Card (KCC):-


Kisan Credit Card (KCC):-

✅Ministry: Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying.

Historical Background:

✅The scheme was introduced in 1998 for providing adequate and timely credit support from the banking system, under a single window and simplified procedure to the farmers.
✅The scheme was further extended for the investment credit requirement of farmers viz. allied and non-farm activities in the year 2004.
✅In the Budget-2018-19, the government announced the extension of the facility of Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to fisheries and animal husbandry farmers to help them meet their working capital needs.


✅To meet the short-term credit requirement for cultivation.
To manage post-harvest expenses.
✅To meet the consumption requirement of the farmer’s household

▪️Implementing Agencies:

✅Commercial Banks
✅Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)
✅Small Finance Banks Cooperatives

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