
Little Ice Age (LIA)


Little Ice Age (LIA)

✅New study on the Little Ice Age (LIA).

♻️What is the Little Ice Age (LIA) ?

✅The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of regional cooling, seen especially in the North Atlantic region, between the 16th and the 19th centuries (1671 CE – 1942 CE).

✅An alternative time period of 1300 to 1850 has also been proposed.

✅It is not a true ice age of global extent.

♻️What does the new study propose ?

✅The new study shows significant variations in rainfall patterns during the LIA challenging the conventional notion of a uniformly cold and dry climate with reduced monsoon rainfall during the LIA.

✅The study reconstructed pollen-based vegetation dynamics and contemporary climate change and monsoonal variability between CE 1219-1942 from the Western Ghats.

✅Moist/semi-evergreen–dry tropical deciduous forests were mainly recorded from the study area.

✅The study was conducted by the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP), an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and Technology.

#GS1 #Geography #Prelims

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