
UPSC Mains Practice Question – Schedule of Indian Constitution.

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BPSC Polity & Governance UPSC-CSE

UPSC Mains Practice Question – Schedule of Indian Constitution.

What are the salient features of the 6th schedule of the Constitution? How does it provide for the administration and welfare of the scheduled tribal area? (150 Words)

Trick to Approach:

  • Introduce the significance of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution.
  • Discuss the salient features of the Sixth Schedule point-wise.
  • Conclude Suitably.


The 6th Schedule of the Indian Constitution contains provisions for the administration and welfare of the scheduled tribal areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.


The salient features of the Sixth Schedule:

  • It provides for the creation of Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) and Regional Councils (RCs) for the administration of the tribal areas in these states.
  • The ADCs and RCs have legislative, executive, judicial and financial powers over certain specified matters such as land, forests, canal water, village administration, inheritance of property, marriage and divorce, social customs and so on.
  • The ADCs and RCs can make laws on these matters with the assent of the governor of the state.
  • The ADCs and RCs can constitute village councils or courts for the trial of suits and cases between the tribes. They can also hear appeals from these councils or courts. The jurisdiction of the high court over these suits and cases is specified by the governor.
  • The acts of Parliament or the state legislature do not apply to the autonomous districts and regions or apply with specified modifications and exceptions. The governor can appoint a commission to examine and report on any matter relating to the administration of the autonomous districts or regions.
  • The governor has the power to organize and re-organize the autonomous districts and regions. He can also create new autonomous districts or regions or alter the name or territorial jurisdiction of any existing autonomous district or region.

The sixth schedule provides for the administration and welfare of the scheduled tribal area in the following ways:

  • The Sixth Schedule was created to protect the distinct social, cultural, and economic interests of the tribal communities residing in these areas.
  • The provisions of the Sixth Schedule are aimed at granting a considerable degree of autonomy to these tribal areas within the framework of the Indian Constitution.
  • It has provided them with a platform to manage their own affairs, preserve their cultural identity, and pursue their development aspirations.


The Sixth Schedule grants significant autonomy to scheduled tribal areas, enabling local self-governance through district and regional councils, to safeguard tribal rights,interests, and culture, preserving their distinct identity and preventing exploitation by outsiders.

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